Sunday, August 28, 2011

Butterfly Blog Award

I received this award from Jen at Thanks to Jen, I am participating in my first blog hop and I'm super excited!
As part of this award, I have to answer the following 12 questions and pass this on to 6 people.  Here are the answers to my questions:
Name your favorite color? purple, although blue and orange are close seconds :)
Name your favorite song? Don't Stop Believing... it's my motto
Name your favoirte dessert? there are so many choices!! I would have to say anything with white chocolate
What wizzes you off at the moment? I don't have anything today. Ask me tomorrow, and I may have something. :)
Your favorite pet? Daisy girls of course!
Black or white? Black... it's slimming
Your biggest fear? being alone... watch out! I'm getting deep on you!
Best feature? My eyes
Everyday attitude? Glass half full... I always stay on the positive side of things
What is perfection? My love and family
Guilty pleasure? craft supplies and gossip magazines
When you're upset? I watch a sappy movie and get over it

I am awarding this award to the following blogs:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some random crafts

While MIL was here, I took her to Michael's to pick out some beads. I made the above necklace for her. 

I made this necklace to wear with our school t-shirts this year. I hope it matches. If it doesn't, I am sure I can find something else to wear it with. 

And, here is another addition to my classroom. The Pooh and Friends font is my favorite font cartridge on my cricut. 

Summer is over...

I have mixed emotions about going back to work. I have really enjoyed my summer relaxing. But, I am also ready to get back to work and back in the swing of things. 

Brad's mom came to visit us for two weeks. She helped me in my classroom, spent a lot of time at the pool, and helped take care of Brad. He had his wisdom teeth pulled last Monday. Fun times at the Shumbera's! We took M.I.L. to Messina Hof for a tour of the vineyard and some wine tasting. As you can see in the picture, the summer heat has really hurt our crops, even our grapes. :( I am ready for fall and am thankful for the small rain shower we are having this very minute!

Below is a picture of us with M.I.L. It was a little windy, but still too hot to spend a lot of time outside. 

 I still can't believe that we have been married 8 years!! I love this guy so much!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

So much to do!

Over the summer, our school got a sprinkler system (in the building)! This allows us to prop open our doors! Yay! However, since we have had a construction crew in our building, we haven't been allowed in. This week, we are allowed to go in during the morning hours. Dawn and I have been there every morning since. Here are some before pictures of my room. And yes.... I have carpeted walls. 

This is all of my stuff I moved from my old 4th grade room. I have a lot of stuff! Fortunately, Brad's mom has been a tremendous help!! I wouldn't be this far along if it weren't for her. I will post more pictures as I get stuff done!

Door Poster

I made this sign to hang on my classroom door. I am feeling groovy this year and going away from my sports theme. I made this sign with the Groovy Lite cartridge. It may have a different name. I got it at Walmart! I bought the poster at Jacque's, a local teacher store and cut out the letters.

Right now, I am trying to decide what to call my job board. I have a sports one from last year, but I kinda want something different. I don't know. I may use the same one but since I am changing grades, I may need to make my jobs second grade appropriate. Any suggestions?

Brad's Office Visit

This month marks Brad's one year with Texas A&M. I decided that it was about time we hung his diplomas on his office wall. If I had an office, I would totally hang my diplomas up. He also had a clock in his office that hasn't worked for the past year. It has been stuck on 6:55. Ridiculous. So, new clock. Diplomas on the wall. He has officially claimed the office. :)

Did I mention Brad's mom came with me? She's here for a little over a week. I should also mention that it is hot here!! "Extreme heat advisory" since the weekend. I'm ready for cooler weather!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Special Guest

Brad's mom came to town on Thursday. :) We have been spoiled with home cooked meals. I don't think I have cleaned a dish since she has been here! So far we have had meatloaf, an egg dish, and tonight we are having pork chops. Yummy! I taught Dawn the art of necklace making. Other than that, we have been relaxing and enjoying the last few weeks of summer.