Well, our little guy decided to come early... with a little help from the doctors. I went in to the hospital last Friday with high blood pressure. After being monitored for several hours and no signs of improvement we were admitted at 2:30 am Saturday morning. Dr. Jansky came in at 6 am and told us we were going to be induced. At this point, we called my mom and Brad's mom. They were going to drive from Florida and hopefully make it in time. It was a long day of waiting for to dilate and everything else in my body to get ready for this little guy. My friend Sarah brought lunch for Brad so he didn't have to leave, plus some gossip magazines to make the time go a little faster. :)
Later in the afternoon, Dr. J came in and broke my water and started the pitocin. I was having consistent contractions every 2 minutes but I wasn't dilated enough. I decided that would be a good time to get the epidural since things were about to get very painful. Connie, my Texas mom and teaching partner came up and sat with me. I was thankful to have some company to keep my mind off of how hungry I was and how long I had been in that bed already. For about an hour my epidural stopped working and I thought I was going to die. Once it kicked back in... I felt great! No pain!
At 11:30, they checked me again and I was only 5 cm. dilated. C-section was hinted at a few times and this was something Brad and I didn't want at all. At 1:30, Tara (our fabulous nurse) came in and Brad asked her to check me again. This time, I was ready! I got really nervous. OMG.... I am having a baby!! They called Dr. Moore (the dr. on call) and Brad texted our family. Our parents were 10 minutes away... talk about God's timing! Our parents walked in (at 1:40am on Sunday) as we were doing our "practice push" and Lincoln was crowning so they made me stop and relax while we waited on Dr. Moore. He came in at 2:00 am, set everything up, and we pushed... one time... and our little miracle, Lincoln Dutch Shumbera was born at 2:10 am on April 7th.
I was amazed at how easy it was. I thought I was going to push for hours. Brad immediately went with Lincoln for his measurements. Once we got to our post partum room I was so happy to eat. The crappy hospital sandwich was the most amazing sandwich ever. I had a hard time sleeping because my adrenaline was pumping.
Lincoln Dutch Shumbera
April 7, 2013 at 2:10 am
7 lbs. 13.4 oz
20.75 inches long
Our little Shumlet... our miracle
Our first family picture
So precious! What a joyous occasion! Awesome only 1 push!!!